The Life of Riley

I live with my Mummy and Daddy in Sydney, but I have loads of family and friends in lots of other places who love to hear what I'm up to. I think. Hello? Is anyone listening??

Friday, August 17, 2007


The other day I was going to bed, and Mummy was reading me a book - I think it was a book called 'There's a house in Mummy's tummy', and I was resting my head on Mummy's tummy feeling her house. And my baby brother kicked me in the face!!!! He kicked me really hard, it was a shock. Naughty boy.

Mummy says he is kicking her all the time. When I put my hand in just the right spot on Mummy's tummy, I can feel him kicking. When he comes out, he can kick a ball to the ceiling like me!!

Mummy and Daddy went to the hospital today to see my baby brother on the telly again, and they brought me this picture. He doesn't look much like a blob now. But I don't think he's as cute as me yet.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

My Kindy Report - I am so clever

Mummy had to help me load this. She says it looks a bit small, but hopefully you can click in it and make it a bit bigger. I am so clever aren't I? Mummy thinks they know me very well. And she is very happy I am going to be a chef - she says she can thank Nana, Andrew, Granny and Grandad for that since they bought me my oven!

Saturday, July 07, 2007

I love builders.

The builders are going to come and fix my house. They are going to come for a long time. They said they are going to 'bring the bulldozers in'. Mummy looked a bit shocked at that. They are going to come in and make the house look all nice inside, and build a really good place called a deck and move the front door and build a wall and make the house look like all those really good pictures that the lady drew for us.

They are going to start in a few weeks probably, and we are going to move to the 'holiday house' which is downstairs in the garage. I am going to have my own room with my own big boy bed that I won't fall out of (Mummy says), and there will be a telly and a video and a bathroom and a sofa and a microwave there too. It's going to be so much fun!!!!!

Mummy says 'they'd better be out of here before the baby comes'. She said something about moving out into a hotel while Daddy's at work if they're not. She looks a bit worried, but excited too. Daddy just looks excited.

But I really love builders. I wonder if they can fix the house as well as Daddy can?

Friday, June 29, 2007


Mummy and Daddy took me to see a film about a donkey at the big television place called the cinema. It was called Shrek. We went with Mummy's friends Jules and Cate and their little baby Brianna. It was a really big room with loads of chairs, and they were really good to play on with Daddy. Then it went REALLY dark and a film came on about a donkey and a big green man called Shrek.

It was REALLY good. I LOVE Shrek. I sat and watched the whole thing on my own seat. Even though it was dark, I caught Mummy eating something and she said it was crackers and gave me one. Though I am sure whatever she was eating smelt like chocolate.

Mummy was asking me the other day what we should name the baby that's in her tummy when it comes out. I told her we will call it Shrek. She said that was ok if it came out green, but what would we call it if it came out pink? I told her we would call it Lady Shrek. Not sure they were the names she would have chosen, but they are really fashionable right now.

Monday, June 11, 2007

There's a baby in my Mummy's tummy

My Mummy and Daddy told me that there is a baby in Mummy's tummy. Probably true, as Mummy's tummy is a bit fat. I have been talking to the baby and about the baby. I give the baby a cuddle and when I cuddle Mummy I say 'I not squish the baby'. Yesterday I told the baby 'I love you'.

I don't know whether it's a boy baby or a girl baby. Mummy gave me this video, it's of the baby in Mummy's tummy. Which is why it's dark. Even though I have watched the baby, I can't really tell whether it's a boy baby or a girl baby. It's not wearing blue or pink clothes for a start.

I don't really mind whether it's a boy or a girl. I like all babies. I like to hold them and give them cuddles. But it better come soon, or I might go off them.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

3 easy steps to beautiful soft shiny hair

STEP ONE - Rub entire contents of one large tub of Vaseline into hair (while Mummy's not looking). Disperse well.

STEP TWO - Rub rather large amount of cornflour into hair and leave there for an hour. Was out with washing up liquid.

STEP THREE - Beautiful soft shiny hair. And a cheeky boy.


Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Mummy doesn't have time to help me write my blog at the moment, but I wanted to drop a line to say that I am very happy, and very busy and am having lots of fun AND I have a brand new cubby house - and I will post to you all very soon with lots of news xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

PS. Oh, I am 2 as well.

Friday, January 19, 2007

My Mummy got hit by a bus

But she's ok. She told me all about what happened, because I am nearly 2 and can handle real life.

A 'nasty old man' in a yellow bus rolled into my Mummy's car. It wasn't my Mummy's fault, she wasn't even moving - and also, she is a really really good driver.

The wheels on the bus driver got out and told Mummy it was HER fault, and then he shouted at her and didn't give her his numbers. So she called the Nee-naw policeman.

But then two nice big dirty men in towey-trucks arrived and helped Mummy to stop the wheels on the bus driver shouting, and got his numbers and he told them secretly that it wasn't her fault after all. But they broke the secret and told Mummy and gave her their telephone numbers so they can be whitney-sis for her.

Mummy's car is a bit poorly, but it still moves ok. Which is good as today we are going to 'the Mountains' to see REAL LIFE Thomas the Tank Engine, see:

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Bye bye Missmas

Mummy says Missmas is over and Santa has gone back to the North Pole. We had to take the Christmas tree down and leave it in a box in the garage, so that Santa could pick it up to take away with him. He will bring it back next year.

It's sad, but this box is still left so I can still play this game!!

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Tuesday, December 26, 2006

An Australian Christmas Story starring Smiley Riley Simpson Aged 1 & 10/12ths

This is a picture of me making a cake for Santa. I left it by the door with some juice and a carrot for the reindeer. Then I went to bed.

Santa left a stocking full of presents in my cot!!

But you'll never guess what - he came back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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But Daddy was in the bathroom so I had to tell him all about it when he came out.

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I had so much fun. I had loads of presents. My favourites were my trainset and my bubble machine.

Then we had Christmas dinner outside!


PS - We had ice cream too.

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Sunday, December 24, 2006


Friday, December 22, 2006

One reason why gardens are good

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Thursday, December 21, 2006

Santa baby

Wow, so many things have happened since I last spoke to you. I don't even know where to start!

1. I went to see Santa at the shops, and Mummy wanted me to sit on his lap but I didn't want to as he was a stranger. But he said I had cool boardies so I gave him a high-5 and sat on Mummy's lap who sat next to Santa and we had our photo taken. I even smiled. Just. But only because Elmo made me laugh.
2. Mummy and Daddy took me for a walk in the stroller when it was DARK and I should have been in bed. I was in my pyjamas though so that's ok. They took me along the street to see where Santa lives. He has all these pretty houses in our street, covered in lights! Two three four six seven eight nine ten three lights!! Everywhere! I played with a little boy called Dale who lived in one of Santa's houses. He is sooooo lucky. Wish we lived there :-(
3. Mummy built a tree. In the house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It has all pretty lights on it. So pretty. It's Santa's.
4. There are LOADS of Missmas presents on the bookcase. They are toys. I think all Missmas presents are toys. From Santa.
5. I went to see the Wiggles, in real life!!!! I had my own seat, and I could see really well and I could get up to dance and shout WAKE UP JEFF!!! Oh and guess what, Santa was there!
6. Mummy took me to the hairdresser for the very first time, and I sat on a big chair and they put a cape thing on me and they cut my hair off! But they didn't cut very much off really, it's still curly. But shorter. Actually I think I look good. I check myself out in the mirror a lot. I didn't see Santa there, but I am sure he was there somewhere. Maybe hiding.
9. We had a Christmas party at kindy yesterday and guess what - Santa was there!!!
10. We have got grass, and a sandpit and a slide! They are all from Santa I expect. I love having a garden.

I think these are the really important things.
I hope Santa has time to come and see you this Missmas, he seems pretty busy with me actually.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Cuddles & Diddles

I have lots of friends at kindy. I think I told you before. I have Jack, and Aiden and Sienna and my special friend Liliana. But I also have a girlfriend, she is called Tash. And sometimes I like to play with Jessica too. But mostly Tash.

I love giving Tash cuddles. I cuddle her lots. All the time. I follow her to give her cuddles. I give her cuddles in the sandpit. I give her cuddles at dinner. I give her cuddles before nap time. And after nap time. Cuddles are good, Mummy told me that. Oh, and kisses. I give her kisses too.

But Tash doesn't always like my cuddles. Sometimes she pushes me away and says 'no touching'. And sometimes she says 'like it!'. (Miss Songul said she means 'don't like it!' but she just can't say it yet. But I say she is giving mixed signals).

So anyway. When she plays hard to get like this and pushes me, I push her back. And sometimes give her a smack. But then she cries. Oh and just the same thing happens with Jessica as well (but it's kinda funnier, since when I push her she falls over. She is only 8 months old).

I got in trouble. And they told my Mum and Dad.

They said that I am really big now, and much bigger and stronger than the girls and I mustn't push them. She used to tell me that instead of pushing and hitting, I should give kisses and cuddles.

But it seems like we can't win. And she doesn't tell me that any more.


Thursday, November 23, 2006


Yesterday Mummy bought a funny thing for me. It had cool pictures on it, of Pooh and Tigger - though they are not the same as the ones on the telly called Book of Pooh (which is my favourite, I always watch it after my bath and before I go to bed.) The funny thing went inside Mummy and Daddy's toilet seat, it was like a little seat. I got the impression that they wanted me to sit on it when I wanted to do a poo. I know this because Mummy said 'If you want to do a poo poo, you tell Mummy and you can sit on the toilet'. I thought, what a stupid idea and did a poo in the bath instead.

Ha ha.

Anyway, today I was in the bath with Mummy. I could tell she was a bit worried. I told her wee wee a few times, and she just said it was ok but no poo poos. Honestly. In the end I had to tell her toilet and say out. And go GET the toilet seat myself and put it on the toilet. Finally she got the hint and put me on the seat. And I did a wee.

I got really spoilt and had extra toast even though I did another little wee on the carpet after that.

Well, I'm not even 2 you know.

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